Once in a generation the Fête des Vignerons dazzles hundreds of thousands of spectators in Vevey (Canton Vaud, Switzerland).  Organized by the Confrérie des Vignerons, the Fête des Vignerons is the crowning celebration of winegrowers before thousands of spectators assembled in the arena to pay homage to them.
A celebration unique in the world, a true celebration of memory and identity, in 2016 it became part of UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Since the “dawn of time”, the Confrérie des Vignerons has ended its general assembly with a parade along the streets of Vevey to the lake. Since its first edition in 1797, it has been held on its majestic market square, the Place du Marché, bringing together people from the villages, the countryside and the vineyards, locals and foreigners at the same time.

From July 19 to August 11, 2019

“It is immensely colorful, touching and even quirky, like a Cirque du Soleil performance with feel-good Disneyesque moments, surrealist touches that would not be out of place in a Fellini movie, and even echoes of Monty Python (an army of soldiers “wear” the toy horses they ride on).”- 23.07.2019 - Forbes
« C’est un spectacle grandiose que Daniele Finzi Pasca offre à la ville de Vevey. »- 18.07.2019 - Le Temps
« Je considère pourtant que cette fameuse Confrérie veveysanne devrait aussi te couronner, Daniele Finzi Pasca. Tu leur as donné une Fête magnifique et si émouvante, l’une des plus incroyables de cette terre, en couleurs et en fraternité. »- 20.07.2019 - 24 heures
“Emozioni, colori, musica e tanta fantasia nello spettacolo-kolossal messo in scena dal regista ticinese a Vevey.”- 18.07.2019 - Corriere del Ticino
„Sie ist ein Kulturgut mit einem Schauspiel als unbestrittenem Höhepunkt, dessen Hymnen, Brauchtümer und Kostüme zum Selbstverständnis der Region gehören.“- 19.07.2019 - NZZ
“Poesie, Magie, Emotionen! Er verzaubert täglich 20 000 Besucher. Regisseur Daniele Finzi Pasca ist an der Fête des Vignerons der Star hinter den Kulissen. Sein gigantisches Winzer-Spektakel in Vevey VD verbindet Generationen.”- 22.07.2019 - Schweizer Illustrierte

The show for the 2019 edition is going to be signed by some of the creators of the Compagnia Finzi Pasca: Daniele Finzi Pasca (lead dramatist and director), Maria Bonzanigo (principle composer and music director) Hugo Gargiulo (scenographer and stage designer), Giovanna Buzzi (costume designer), Alexis Bowles (lighting co-designer, producer lighting / video contents) and Roberto Vitalini (video designer).

Other members of the creative team for the Fête des Vignerons: Stéphane Blok (librettist), Blaise Hoffman (second librettist), Jérôme Berney (composer) and Valentin Villard (composer).

“In the mountains, the Lyôb comes out of silence. The herdsmen would sing this theme to call. We listen to silence and suddenly we hear that somebody is there. The cows hear it, another herdsman at the other side of the valley hears it. For me, the starting point is silence.” Maria Bonzanigo

“What responsibility! You can feel it, it crystallizes so many expectations and personal tales. It’s impossible not to see that flame lighting up in those who lived the Fête des Vignerons or hope to live it in 2019.” Hugo Gargiulo

“I look for the detail that recounts the whole. It is going to be magic and emotional (…).” Daniele Finzi Pasca

