Dear Friends
Compagnia Finzi Pasca is now a well-known reality in our region where it has been able to create enthusiasm among the many who have had the opportunity to attend their shows, but also involvement in the company’s projects around the world. The charism of Daniele has infected so many of us and has been able to take us into territories and spaces often unknowns.
But behind the curtain there is a great effort both in production and in administration, there are difficulties in communicating the contents of the work and to sensitizing institutions and people who are in charge of the management and financing of culture, there are non-creative activities, that are nevertheless necessary for the creativity to find its space.
So together with Daniele in 2012 the idea was born to constitute the Associazione degli Amici della Compagnia Finzi Pasca with the aim of promoting the image of the Compagnia, aggregating people who recognize the importance of its theatrical and cultural activity, and actively support its projects. Our goal is to engage in enthusiasm as many friends as possible with whom to share the company’s future steps.
We hope to welcome you soon among the Friends!
For the Associazione degli Amici della Compagnia Finzi Pasca
Roberto Grassi