Donka – Guadalajara

Conjunto de Artes Escénicas Av. Periférico Norte 1695, Rinconada de La Azalea, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico

“I decided to discover Chekhov looking for particulars and details, both in his life and in the pages of his writings, and not only that. I thought of giving shape to the silences contained in the notes of his diaries and of creating images from his annotations. I come from a theatre deeply impregnated with the language of clowns, of jugglers, of the delicate and magical world of acrobats. That is how I will recall Chekhov and to do it I will surround myself with the same accomplices as always, creators with whom I have worked for years and with whom I share not only the same sense of aesthetics and way of thinking of the theatre, but also the passionate way of defending our imaginary world.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Donka – Mexico city

“I decided to discover Chekhov looking for particulars and details, both in his life and in the pages of his writings, and not only that. I thought of giving shape to the silences contained in the notes of his diaries and of creating images from his annotations. I come from a theatre deeply impregnated with the language of clowns, of jugglers, of the delicate and magical world of acrobats. That is how I will recall Chekhov and to do it I will surround myself with the same accomplices as always, creators with whom I have worked for years and with whom I share not only the same sense of aesthetics and way of thinking of the theatre, but also the passionate way of defending our imaginary world.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Corteo – Antwerp

Lotto Arena Schijnpoortweg 119, Antwerp, Belgium

“I dedicated this dream to the angels, who come and visit me at night. To the world of clowns, to which I belong, to the Cathedral of Chartres, which after my mother’s womb, is the second place where I was nurtured. To the pictures that my parents stole to reality, and which I put into movement, to the circuses and to their artists. What I meant to bring forth under the big top is theatre and its peculiar perspective made of overlapping images. I thus asked the acrobats to think as actors would, and to be beautiful and honest, just as beautiful love stories are. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by brilliant creators, with whom I immersed in a common world and a bonding adventure, receiving the full support of a production crew who allowed us to carry on with our dream. I also kept close to the friends from my troupe, Teatro Sunil, with whom I have been seeking beauty and honesty on stage for more than twenty years. To make one’s own funeral does feel good. For a moment, one feels necessary and motivated to keep going on this journey, which is in fact but a […]

Corteo – Antwerp

Lotto Arena Schijnpoortweg 119, Antwerp, Belgium

“I dedicated this dream to the angels, who come and visit me at night. To the world of clowns, to which I belong, to the Cathedral of Chartres, which after my mother’s womb, is the second place where I was nurtured. To the pictures that my parents stole to reality, and which I put into movement, to the circuses and to their artists. What I meant to bring forth under the big top is theatre and its peculiar perspective made of overlapping images. I thus asked the acrobats to think as actors would, and to be beautiful and honest, just as beautiful love stories are. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by brilliant creators, with whom I immersed in a common world and a bonding adventure, receiving the full support of a production crew who allowed us to carry on with our dream. I also kept close to the friends from my troupe, Teatro Sunil, with whom I have been seeking beauty and honesty on stage for more than twenty years. To make one’s own funeral does feel good. For a moment, one feels necessary and motivated to keep going on this journey, which is in fact but a […]

Luzia – Moscow

The Palace of Gymnastics Luzhniki, 24/24, Moscow, Russian Federation

“When the Cirque du Soleil approaches creators it asks them to venture into new scenographic and narrative territories. (…) We started from stereotypes… in order to overturn them. Ubiquitous slowness? We replaced it with speed – that of the Tarahumara, a Mexican people who live in the mountains and can run up to 200 kilometres non-stop, barefoot or wearing light sandals. Speed thus becomes an interesting element in circus language too, with its quest for extreme performance, thanks to magnificent acrobats and gymnasts drawn from around the world. For us, then, Mexican people display a great physical and spiritual capacity to go beyond incredible limits.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Luzia – Moscow

The Palace of Gymnastics Luzhniki, 24/24, Moscow, Russian Federation

“When the Cirque du Soleil approaches creators it asks them to venture into new scenographic and narrative territories. (…) We started from stereotypes… in order to overturn them. Ubiquitous slowness? We replaced it with speed – that of the Tarahumara, a Mexican people who live in the mountains and can run up to 200 kilometres non-stop, barefoot or wearing light sandals. Speed thus becomes an interesting element in circus language too, with its quest for extreme performance, thanks to magnificent acrobats and gymnasts drawn from around the world. For us, then, Mexican people display a great physical and spiritual capacity to go beyond incredible limits.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Luzia – Moscow

The Palace of Gymnastics Luzhniki, 24/24, Moscow, Russian Federation

“When the Cirque du Soleil approaches creators it asks them to venture into new scenographic and narrative territories. (…) We started from stereotypes… in order to overturn them. Ubiquitous slowness? We replaced it with speed – that of the Tarahumara, a Mexican people who live in the mountains and can run up to 200 kilometres non-stop, barefoot or wearing light sandals. Speed thus becomes an interesting element in circus language too, with its quest for extreme performance, thanks to magnificent acrobats and gymnasts drawn from around the world. For us, then, Mexican people display a great physical and spiritual capacity to go beyond incredible limits.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Luzia – Moscow

The Palace of Gymnastics Luzhniki, 24/24, Moscow, Russian Federation

“When the Cirque du Soleil approaches creators it asks them to venture into new scenographic and narrative territories. (…) We started from stereotypes… in order to overturn them. Ubiquitous slowness? We replaced it with speed – that of the Tarahumara, a Mexican people who live in the mountains and can run up to 200 kilometres non-stop, barefoot or wearing light sandals. Speed thus becomes an interesting element in circus language too, with its quest for extreme performance, thanks to magnificent acrobats and gymnasts drawn from around the world. For us, then, Mexican people display a great physical and spiritual capacity to go beyond incredible limits.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Luzia – Moscow

The Palace of Gymnastics Luzhniki, 24/24, Moscow, Russian Federation

“When the Cirque du Soleil approaches creators it asks them to venture into new scenographic and narrative territories. (…) We started from stereotypes… in order to overturn them. Ubiquitous slowness? We replaced it with speed – that of the Tarahumara, a Mexican people who live in the mountains and can run up to 200 kilometres non-stop, barefoot or wearing light sandals. Speed thus becomes an interesting element in circus language too, with its quest for extreme performance, thanks to magnificent acrobats and gymnasts drawn from around the world. For us, then, Mexican people display a great physical and spiritual capacity to go beyond incredible limits.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Lugano – Luna Park

Lugano LAC Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland

Luna Park is like a “fairground ride” inside stage machinery and the secret world of circus performers and clowns. A return to the origins of the Compagnia Finzi Pasca, wholly devoted to today’s public, who can let themselves be transported by lights, colours, mirrors, music and by the nostalgia of a surprising and light-hearted age. There is mystery in fairgrounds… as in this show, where in small groups the public will travel in a dream, behind the stage curtain, discovering unique and secret points of view and living the stage together with the actors, close to them as never before but in complete safety. For groups of up to a maximum of 25 people, with around 50 “fairground rides” a day lasting 20 minutes each. From 8 to 20 September at Lugano LAC (Lugano Arte e Cultura). Presales:  

52, Teatro dell’architettura Mendrisio

Teatro dell'architettura Mendrisio Via Alfonso Turconi 25,, Mendrisio, Switzerland

La Compagnia Finzi Pasca presenterà la nuova creazione “52” al Teatro dell’architettura di Mendrisio dal 18 al 22 maggio 2021. Il progetto vede sulla scena Pablo Gershanik. È una ricerca sulla capacità del teatro di curare e si interroga sulla resilienza attraverso l’arte. Il progetto sarà accompagnato da un laboratorio e dalla tavola rotonda “Il teatro che cura” con esponenti di rilievo del mondo dell’architettura e della medicina. La prevendita, tramite il sito del Teatro, è aperta. Durante le prossime settimane, nella storica sede del teatro “La Darsena” di Magadino la Compagnia Finzi Pasca preparerà un nuovo spettacolo intitolato 52, che debutterà il 18 maggio al Teatro dell’architettura Mendrisio. Daniele Finzi Pasca: “Alle radici di tutta la nostra ricerca che ci ha portato in giro per il mondo negli ultimi 38 anni vi è la certezza che ci sono storie che possono curare. La paura del buio, la perdita di un famigliare, le ferite d’amore producono piaghe dolorose che solo certe storie possono curare. Questa nuova creazione ci permetterà di tornare alle radici del nostro modo di pensare il teatro fatto di vicinanza con il pubblico, ricerca di empatia, leggerezza e incanto.”

Brutta Canaglia La Solitudine

Teatro del Cerchio Via XXIV Maggio, Parma, Italy

Vi sono paesi dimenticati dalla storia, alcuni villaggi piano piano vengono abbandonati e chi resta si attacca in sogno ad un attimo di gloria. Medoro e Vitalizio, i due protagonisti, sin da bambini attendono l’arrivo di qualcosa di nuovo. La loro vita è una catena fatta di piccole rivoluzioni fallite, scandita da cataclismi che cambiano il profilo delle cose. Si passeggia sino al molo e si pensa di buttarsi giù, poi ci si ripensa e si ricomincia a lottare. Il testo riflette sulla dimensione legata al gioco teatrale e sulle possibili forme di porsi rispetto all’interpretazione. Vitalizio e Medoro non sanno di giocare al teatro, semplicemente si pongono problemi d’interpretazione cercando forme per essere convincenti. Provando e ripetendo; strutturano un’azione teatrale partendo da posizioni molto lontane. Così capita da tempo nel teatro contemporaneo, le differenti scuole sono l’espressione dei differenti modi di concepire la “verità” sulla scena. Questo percorso s’intrecciava con un secondo tema: l’imminente Anno Santo. Di pellegrini ne avremmo visti molti. Immaginette e benedizioni distribuite a tutti. Il miracolo della fede rinnovato. Come grandi Luna- Park, i centri di pellegrinaggio si sarebbero contesi lo slancio dei fedeli. Teatro e Ritualità da sempre vicine s’incontravano di nuovo. “Brutta canaglia […]
