Brutta Canaglia La Solitudine

Teatro del Cerchio Via XXIV Maggio, Parma, Italy

Vi sono paesi dimenticati dalla storia, alcuni villaggi piano piano vengono abbandonati e chi resta si attacca in sogno ad un attimo di gloria. Medoro e Vitalizio, i due protagonisti, sin da bambini attendono l’arrivo di qualcosa di nuovo. La loro vita è una catena fatta di piccole rivoluzioni fallite, scandita da cataclismi che cambiano il profilo delle cose. Si passeggia sino al molo e si pensa di buttarsi giù, poi ci si ripensa e si ricomincia a lottare. Il testo riflette sulla dimensione legata al gioco teatrale e sulle possibili forme di porsi rispetto all’interpretazione. Vitalizio e Medoro non sanno di giocare al teatro, semplicemente si pongono problemi d’interpretazione cercando forme per essere convincenti. Provando e ripetendo; strutturano un’azione teatrale partendo da posizioni molto lontane. Così capita da tempo nel teatro contemporaneo, le differenti scuole sono l’espressione dei differenti modi di concepire la “verità” sulla scena. Questo percorso s’intrecciava con un secondo tema: l’imminente Anno Santo. Di pellegrini ne avremmo visti molti. Immaginette e benedizioni distribuite a tutti. Il miracolo della fede rinnovato. Come grandi Luna- Park, i centri di pellegrinaggio si sarebbero contesi lo slancio dei fedeli. Teatro e Ritualità da sempre vicine s’incontravano di nuovo. “Brutta canaglia […]

Bianco su Bianco – Vladivostok

Primorsky Stage (Marinsky) 20 Fastovskaya, Vladivostok, Russian Federation

«We are creating a new show that plays –in keeping with our very own approach to storytelling– on the balance between a sweet and nostalgic form of absurd. Regardless of the simplicity and bareness of the theatrical apparatus, ours is a surrealist universe, somehow fiercely serene, a self-reflecting form of theatre, where actors use the proscenium to engage in a dialogue with the audience, where illusion and tricks are always disclosed at the end, where we laugh and are moved, where the clowns do not play the fools, but rather embody the frailness of losing heroes. »Daniele Finzi Pasca

Bianco su Bianco – Bellinzona

Teatro Sociale via Bartolomeo Colleoni 4, BERGAMO, Bergamo, Italy

«We are creating a new show that plays –in keeping with our very own approach to storytelling– on the balance between a sweet and nostalgic form of absurd. Regardless of the simplicity and bareness of the theatrical apparatus, ours is a surrealist universe, somehow fiercely serene, a self-reflecting form of theatre, where actors use the proscenium to engage in a dialogue with the audience, where illusion and tricks are always disclosed at the end, where we laugh and are moved, where the clowns do not play the fools, but rather embody the frailness of losing heroes. »Daniele Finzi Pasca

Nuda – Lugano

LAC Piazza Bernardino Luini 6, Lugano, Switzerland

“I had never felt so alone, slight, naked…” Inspired by the novel of the same name by Daniele Finzi Pasca, Nuda, the new creation of the Company is a show full of mystery and amazement, where depths and abysses are in continuous dialogue with a light and luminous world, made up of overlapping planes that interact with each other.

Bianco su Bianco – Rome

Teatro Vittoria Piazza S.Maria Liberatrice 10 Testaccio, Rome, Italy

«We are creating a new show that plays –in keeping with our very own approach to storytelling– on the balance between a sweet and nostalgic form of absurd. Regardless of the simplicity and bareness of the theatrical apparatus, ours is a surrealist universe, somehow fiercely serene, a self-reflecting form of theatre, where actors use the proscenium to engage in a dialogue with the audience, where illusion and tricks are always disclosed at the end, where we laugh and are moved, where the clowns do not play the fools, but rather embody the frailness of losing heroes. »Daniele Finzi Pasca

Bianco su Bianco – Tunis

Theater of the Regions Avenue Mohamed V, Tunis, Tunisia

«We are creating a new show that plays –in keeping with our very own approach to storytelling– on the balance between a sweet and nostalgic form of absurd. Regardless of the simplicity and bareness of the theatrical apparatus, ours is a surrealist universe, somehow fiercely serene, a self-reflecting form of theatre, where actors use the proscenium to engage in a dialogue with the audience, where illusion and tricks are always disclosed at the end, where we laugh and are moved, where the clowns do not play the fools, but rather embody the frailness of losing heroes. »Daniele Finzi Pasca

Luzia – London

Royal Albert Hall Kensington Gore, South Kensington, London, United Kingdom

Luzia takes you to an imaginary Mexico, like in a waking dream, where light (“luz” in Spanish) quenches the spirit and rain (“lluvia”) soothes the soul. Through a series of grand visual surprises and breathtaking acrobatic performances, Luzia invites audiences to escape on a surrealistic journey through a sumptuous and vibrant world suspended somewhere between dreams and reality. Smoothly passing from an old movie set to the ocean to a smoky dance hall or an arid desert, Luzia cleverly brings to the stage multiple places, faces and sounds of Mexico taken from both tradition and modernity. Rich in awe-inspiring moments, Luzia enchants by incorporating rain into acrobatic and artistic scenes – a first for a Cirque du Soleil touring production.

Nuda – Lausanne

Théatre Kléber-Méleau Chemin de l'Usine à gaz 9, Renens

“I had never felt so alone, slight, naked…” Inspired by the novel of the same name by Daniele Finzi Pasca, Nuda, the new creation of the Company is a show full of mystery and amazement, where depths and abysses are in continuous dialogue with a light and luminous world, made up of overlapping planes that interact with each other.

Luzia – Barcelone

L'Hospitalet de Llobregat Travessia Industrial 50, Barcelone, Spain

Luzia takes you to an imaginary Mexico, like in a waking dream, where light (“luz” in Spanish) quenches the spirit and rain (“lluvia”) soothes the soul. Through a series of grand visual surprises and breathtaking acrobatic performances, Luzia invites audiences to escape on a surrealistic journey through a sumptuous and vibrant world suspended somewhere between dreams and reality. Smoothly passing from an old movie set to the ocean to a smoky dance hall or an arid desert, Luzia cleverly brings to the stage multiple places, faces and sounds of Mexico taken from both tradition and modernity. Rich in awe-inspiring moments, Luzia enchants by incorporating rain into acrobatic and artistic scenes – a first for a Cirque du Soleil touring production.

Icaro – Bergamo

Teatro Sociale via Bartolomeo Colleoni 4, BERGAMO, Bergamo, Italy

“I come from a mountainous land. Where I am from, we escape by taking risks. Mountains will await you throughout your entire life. They define the vertical horizon of the child’s imagination before becoming engraved in memory. Where I am from, there are people who climb their mountain every year so as to renew their ties with that which does not change." Daniele Finzi Pasca

Icaro – Pordenone

Teatro Comunale Giuseppe Verdi Viale Martelli 2, Pordenone, Italy

“I prepare my shows like stories that must be told while looking the audience in the eye. In Icaro, I wanted to talk about hope by bringing to life anti-heroes, which is how most of us see ourselves. I engage in theatre for the pleasure of drowning myself, of losing myself just a little, which is one of the most worthwhile things in this life. We lose ourselves and escape. When we escape inside ourselves, who we really are is revealed to us. Escape is a strategy that allows us to delve deeper into reality to discover the secrets that are masked by appearances, and to invent new utopias. I come from a mountainous land. Where I am from, we escape by taking risks. Mountains will await you throughout your entire life. They define the vertical horizon of the child’s imagination before becoming engraved in memory. Where I am from, there are people who climb their mountain every year so as to renew their ties with that which does not change. Governments change, children are born, we lose our oldest friends, but mountains remain forever, unchanged. The wonderful thing about an encounter outside of time is that on every such […]

Corteo – Split (Croatia)

Spaladium UI. Zrinsko Frankopanska 211, Split, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

“I dedicated this dream to the angels, who come and visit me at night. To the world of clowns, to which I belong, to the Cathedral of Chartres, which after my mother’s womb, is the second place where I was nurtured. To the pictures that my parents stole to reality, and which I put into movement, to the circuses and to their artists. What I meant to bring forth under the big top is theatre and its peculiar perspective made of overlapping images. I thus asked the acrobats to think as actors would, and to be beautiful and honest, just as beautiful love stories are. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by brilliant creators, with whom I immersed in a common world and a bonding adventure, receiving the full support of a production crew who allowed us to carry on with our dream. I also kept close to the friends from my troupe, Teatro Sunil, with whom I have been seeking beauty and honesty on stage for more than twenty years. To make one’s own funeral does feel good. For a moment, one feels necessary and motivated to keep going on this journey, which is in fact but a […]
