Icaro, written, directed, and performed by Daniele Finzi Pasca, returns to México by popular demand with a special tour. The first stop will be in Mérida, where the show will be part of a cultural festival organized to celebrate the city’s 483rd anniversary with events dedicated to culture, art, and traditions. Next, Icaro will be presented for the first time in Cancún, and the tour will conclude in México City at the prestigious Teatro de la Ciudad Esperanza Iris, a cultural center located in the heart of the city. Over the years, this venue has established itself as the most important theater in the city and the country.
“The surreal is predominant, blended with fairy tales and journeys into the absurd, outlined with comedic elements and touches of real-life experiences”
Luisa Espanet – 19.01.24
Show details: https://finzipasca.com/it/creations/icaro/
Mérida Fest
Teatro Armando Manzanero
From january 22 to 24, various times
Free entrance
Calle 62 entre 59 y 61, calle 59, 97000
Mérida, Yuc.
Teatro de la Ciudad de Cancún
25 – 26 january e 1 – 2 february, various times
C. Liebre Lote 9, 77500 Cancún,
Q.R., Messico
Teatro Ciudad de México
From 5 to 7 february, various times
Donceles 36, Col. Centro CP 06010,
Cuauhtémoc, Ciudad de México