Einstein on the Beach, the result of a first coproduction with the Grand Théâtre de Genève, has proved a big hit, and marks a significant collaboration with the most important opera theatre in French-speaking Switzerland. The project arose from the relationship of mutual respect between the Compagnia and the theatre’s new director, Aviel Cahn. The reaction of audiences and the press alike was extremely positive. In just 6 performances, the show was seen by over 7,200 people.
Press Review
“Daniele Finzi Pasca’s dreamlike rendering of the work by Bob Wilson and Philip Glass thrilled the Genevan audience at the Grand Théâtre.”
13.09.2019 – Le Figaro
“The universe of the opera by Philip Glass and Robert Wilson changes radically with Daniele Finzi Pasca. A waking dream successfully opens Aviel Cahn’s first season in Geneva.”
13.09.2019 – Le Temps
“By entrusting this almost Dantesque challenge to Daniele Finzi Pasca, an artist from the circus world and a creator of large-scale events, Cahn makes a salutary break with the glacial Wilsonian dimension. And it works.”
16.09.2019 – Le Monde