Per te – Québec

Le Diamant 103, Rue dalhousie, Quebec, Quebec, Canada

“Palcoscenico sventrato, tecnici e attori che si muovono come gatti nel buio, che si preparano, che si immergono lentamente nella storia. E la storia avvolgerà piano piano lo spettatore, la storia di un libro regalato, di un giardino da costruire, di una lotta come le lotte che tutti prima o poi dovremo vivere e affrontare. Julie credeva che ognuno dovesse cercare di costruire un giardino interiore dove andare a rifugiarsi, dove accogliere chi si ama, quelli che si sono persi, quelli che si vorrebbero incontrare in un luogo intimo e riservato. Racconteremo dunque la storia di una panchina e di un giardino, poi ci sarà la fragilità che ognuno di noi difende con armature e corazze. Ci sarà la leggerezza del ricordo delle sue risate, dei suoi libretti pieni di annotazioni e calcoli, i suoi consigli e i suoi sogni. Abbiamo tanto raccontato storie confinate in spazi chiusi, immaginate nella scatola segreta che portiamo attaccata alle spalle, dentro la quale generiamo sogni e viaggi immaginari. Questo spettacolo è dedicato a chi pianta semi che diventano alberi, a chi disegna spazi aperti immaginati per riflettere, per rasserenare l’anima.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Corteo – Nuremberg

Arena Nürnberger Versicherungen Kurt-Leucht-Weg 11, Nürnberg

“Corteo, which means “cortege” in Italian, is a joyous procession, a festive parade imagined by a clown. The show brings together the passion of the actor with the grace and power of the acrobat to plunge the audience into a theatrical world of fun, comedy and spontaneity situated in a mysterious space between heaven and earth. The clown pictures his own funeral taking place in a carnival atmosphere, watched over by quietly caring angels. Juxtaposing the large with the small, the ridiculous with the tragic and the magic of perfection with the charm of imperfection, the show highlights the strength and fragility of the clown, as well as his wisdom and kindness, to illustrate the portion of humanity that is within each of us. The music, by turns lyrical and playful, carries Corteo through a timeless celebration in which illusion teases reality.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Bianco su Bianco – Aalborg

Aalborg Teater Jernbanegade 11, Aalborg, Denmark

«Questa produzione  propone – seguendo la nostra personale forma di narrazione – storie di equilibrio tra tenerezza e nostalgia assurda, un mondo lontano dal reale, ferocemente sereno, una forma di teatro che riflette su se stessa, in cui gli attori utilizzano la scena per entrare in dialogo con il pubblico, dove l’illusione e i trucchi sono sempre rivelati alla fine, dove si ride e si sente eccitato, dove i clown non incarnano la stupidità, ma la fragilità dei eroi perdenti. » Daniele Finzi Pasca

Corteo – Graz

Stadthalle Messeplatz 1,, Graz, Germany

“Corteo, which means “cortege” in Italian, is a joyous procession, a festive parade imagined by a clown. The show brings together the passion of the actor with the grace and power of the acrobat to plunge the audience into a theatrical world of fun, comedy and spontaneity situated in a mysterious space between heaven and earth. The clown pictures his own funeral taking place in a carnival atmosphere, watched over by quietly caring angels. Juxtaposing the large with the small, the ridiculous with the tragic and the magic of perfection with the charm of imperfection, the show highlights the strength and fragility of the clown, as well as his wisdom and kindness, to illustrate the portion of humanity that is within each of us. The music, by turns lyrical and playful, carries Corteo through a timeless celebration in which illusion teases reality.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Brussels – Corteo

Forest National Avenue Victor Rousseau 208, Forest, Belgium

“I dedicated this dream to the angels, who come and visit me at night. To the world of clowns, to which I belong, to the Cathedral of Chartres, which after my mother’s womb, is the second place where I was nurtured. To the pictures that my parents stole to reality, and which I put into movement, to the circuses and to their artists. What I meant to bring forth under the big top is theatre and its peculiar perspective made of overlapping images. I thus asked the acrobats to think as actors would, and to be beautiful and honest, just as beautiful love stories are. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by brilliant creators, with whom I immersed in a common world and a bonding adventure, receiving the full support of a production crew who allowed us to carry on with our dream. I also kept close to the friends from my troupe, Teatro Sunil, with whom I have been seeking beauty and honesty on stage for more than twenty years. To make one’s own funeral does feel good. For a moment, one feels necessary and motivated to keep going on this journey, which is in fact but a […]

Paris – Corteo

AccorHotels Arena 8 Boulevard de Bercy, Paris, France

“I dedicated this dream to the angels, who come and visit me at night. To the world of clowns, to which I belong, to the Cathedral of Chartres, which after my mother’s womb, is the second place where I was nurtured. To the pictures that my parents stole to reality, and which I put into movement, to the circuses and to their artists. What I meant to bring forth under the big top is theatre and its peculiar perspective made of overlapping images. I thus asked the acrobats to think as actors would, and to be beautiful and honest, just as beautiful love stories are. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by brilliant creators, with whom I immersed in a common world and a bonding adventure, receiving the full support of a production crew who allowed us to carry on with our dream. I also kept close to the friends from my troupe, Teatro Sunil, with whom I have been seeking beauty and honesty on stage for more than twenty years. To make one’s own funeral does feel good. For a moment, one feels necessary and motivated to keep going on this journey, which is in fact but a […]

Corteo – Stuttgart

Porsche-Arena Mercedesstraße 69, Stuttgart, Germany

“Corteo, which means “cortege” in Italian, is a joyous procession, a festive parade imagined by a clown. The show brings together the passion of the actor with the grace and power of the acrobat to plunge the audience into a theatrical world of fun, comedy and spontaneity situated in a mysterious space between heaven and earth. The clown pictures his own funeral taking place in a carnival atmosphere, watched over by quietly caring angels. Juxtaposing the large with the small, the ridiculous with the tragic and the magic of perfection with the charm of imperfection, the show highlights the strength and fragility of the clown, as well as his wisdom and kindness, to illustrate the portion of humanity that is within each of us. The music, by turns lyrical and playful, carries Corteo through a timeless celebration in which illusion teases reality.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Corteo – Mannheim

SAP Arena An der Arena 1, Mannheim, Germany

“Corteo, which means “cortege” in Italian, is a joyous procession, a festive parade imagined by a clown. The show brings together the passion of the actor with the grace and power of the acrobat to plunge the audience into a theatrical world of fun, comedy and spontaneity situated in a mysterious space between heaven and earth. The clown pictures his own funeral taking place in a carnival atmosphere, watched over by quietly caring angels. Juxtaposing the large with the small, the ridiculous with the tragic and the magic of perfection with the charm of imperfection, the show highlights the strength and fragility of the clown, as well as his wisdom and kindness, to illustrate the portion of humanity that is within each of us. The music, by turns lyrical and playful, carries Corteo through a timeless celebration in which illusion teases reality.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Corteo – Granada

Palacio Municipal de los Deportes Paseo del Emperador Carlos V, 1,, Granada, Spain

“Corteo, which means “cortege” in Italian, is a joyous procession, a festive parade imagined by a clown. The show brings together the passion of the actor with the grace and power of the acrobat to plunge the audience into a theatrical world of fun, comedy and spontaneity situated in a mysterious space between heaven and earth. The clown pictures his own funeral taking place in a carnival atmosphere, watched over by quietly caring angels. Juxtaposing the large with the small, the ridiculous with the tragic and the magic of perfection with the charm of imperfection, the show highlights the strength and fragility of the clown, as well as his wisdom and kindness, to illustrate the portion of humanity that is within each of us. The music, by turns lyrical and playful, carries Corteo through a timeless celebration in which illusion teases reality.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Corteo – Zaragoza

Pabellon Principe Felipe Av. Cesáreo Alierta, 120, Zaragoza, Spain

“Corteo, which means “cortege” in Italian, is a joyous procession, a festive parade imagined by a clown. The show brings together the passion of the actor with the grace and power of the acrobat to plunge the audience into a theatrical world of fun, comedy and spontaneity situated in a mysterious space between heaven and earth. The clown pictures his own funeral taking place in a carnival atmosphere, watched over by quietly caring angels. Juxtaposing the large with the small, the ridiculous with the tragic and the magic of perfection with the charm of imperfection, the show highlights the strength and fragility of the clown, as well as his wisdom and kindness, to illustrate the portion of humanity that is within each of us. The music, by turns lyrical and playful, carries Corteo through a timeless celebration in which illusion teases reality.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Vitoria-Gasteiz – Corteo

Fernando Buesa Arena Calle, Portal de Zurbano 30, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

“I dedicated this dream to the angels, who come and visit me at night. To the world of clowns, to which I belong, to the Cathedral of Chartres, which after my mother’s womb, is the second place where I was nurtured. To the pictures that my parents stole to reality, and which I put into movement, to the circuses and to their artists. What I meant to bring forth under the big top is theatre and its peculiar perspective made of overlapping images. I thus asked the acrobats to think as actors would, and to be beautiful and honest, just as beautiful love stories are. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by brilliant creators, with whom I immersed in a common world and a bonding adventure, receiving the full support of a production crew who allowed us to carry on with our dream. I also kept close to the friends from my troupe, Teatro Sunil, with whom I have been seeking beauty and honesty on stage for more than twenty years. To make one’s own funeral does feel good. For a moment, one feels necessary and motivated to keep going on this journey, which is in fact but a […]

Bianco su Bianco – Lugano

LAC Piazza Bernardino Luini 6, Lugano, Switzerland

«Questa produzione  propone – seguendo la nostra personale forma di narrazione – storie di equilibrio tra tenerezza e nostalgia assurda, un mondo lontano dal reale, ferocemente sereno, una forma di teatro che riflette su se stessa, in cui gli attori utilizzano la scena per entrare in dialogo con il pubblico, dove l’illusione e i trucchi sono sempre rivelati alla fine, dove si ride e si sente eccitato, dove i clown non incarnano la stupidità, ma la fragilità dei eroi perdenti. » Daniele Finzi Pasca
