Luzia – Boston

Suffolk Downs 525 William F McClellan Hwy, Boston, MA, United States

“When the Cirque du Soleil approaches creators it asks them to venture into new scenographic and narrative territories. (…) We started from stereotypes… in order to overturn them. Ubiquitous slowness? We replaced it with speed – that of the Tarahumara, a Mexican people who live in the mountains and can run up to 200 kilometres non-stop, barefoot or wearing light sandals. Speed thus becomes an interesting element in circus language too, with its quest for extreme performance, thanks to magnificent acrobats and gymnasts drawn from around the world. For us, then, Mexican people display a great physical and spiritual capacity to go beyond incredible limits.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Corteo – Nashville

Bridgestone Arena 501 Broadway, Nashville, TN, TN, United States

“Corteo, which means “cortege” in Italian, is a joyous procession, a festive parade imagined by a clown. The show brings together the passion of the actor with the grace and power of the acrobat to plunge the audience into a theatrical world of fun, comedy and spontaneity situated in a mysterious space between heaven and earth. The clown pictures his own funeral taking place in a carnival atmosphere, watched over by quietly caring angels. Juxtaposing the large with the small, the ridiculous with the tragic and the magic of perfection with the charm of imperfection, the show highlights the strength and fragility of the clown, as well as his wisdom and kindness, to illustrate the portion of humanity that is within each of us. The music, by turns lyrical and playful, carries Corteo through a timeless celebration in which illusion teases reality.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Corteo – Jacksonville

Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena 300 A Philip Randolph Blvd, Jacksonville, FL, United States

“Corteo, which means “cortege” in Italian, is a joyous procession, a festive parade imagined by a clown. The show brings together the passion of the actor with the grace and power of the acrobat to plunge the audience into a theatrical world of fun, comedy and spontaneity situated in a mysterious space between heaven and earth. The clown pictures his own funeral taking place in a carnival atmosphere, watched over by quietly caring angels. Juxtaposing the large with the small, the ridiculous with the tragic and the magic of perfection with the charm of imperfection, the show highlights the strength and fragility of the clown, as well as his wisdom and kindness, to illustrate the portion of humanity that is within each of us. The music, by turns lyrical and playful, carries Corteo through a timeless celebration in which illusion teases reality.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Corteo – Charlotte

Spectrum Center 333 E Trade St, Charlotte, NC, United States

“Corteo, which means “cortege” in Italian, is a joyous procession, a festive parade imagined by a clown. The show brings together the passion of the actor with the grace and power of the acrobat to plunge the audience into a theatrical world of fun, comedy and spontaneity situated in a mysterious space between heaven and earth. The clown pictures his own funeral taking place in a carnival atmosphere, watched over by quietly caring angels. Juxtaposing the large with the small, the ridiculous with the tragic and the magic of perfection with the charm of imperfection, the show highlights the strength and fragility of the clown, as well as his wisdom and kindness, to illustrate the portion of humanity that is within each of us. The music, by turns lyrical and playful, carries Corteo through a timeless celebration in which illusion teases reality.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Corteo – Louisville

KFC Yum! Center 1 Arena Plaza, Louisville, KY, United States

“Corteo, which means “cortege” in Italian, is a joyous procession, a festive parade imagined by a clown. The show brings together the passion of the actor with the grace and power of the acrobat to plunge the audience into a theatrical world of fun, comedy and spontaneity situated in a mysterious space between heaven and earth. The clown pictures his own funeral taking place in a carnival atmosphere, watched over by quietly caring angels. Juxtaposing the large with the small, the ridiculous with the tragic and the magic of perfection with the charm of imperfection, the show highlights the strength and fragility of the clown, as well as his wisdom and kindness, to illustrate the portion of humanity that is within each of us. The music, by turns lyrical and playful, carries Corteo through a timeless celebration in which illusion teases reality.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Corteo – Indianapolis

Bankers Life Fieldhouse 125 S Pennsylvania St, Indianapolis, IN, United States

“Corteo, which means “cortege” in Italian, is a joyous procession, a festive parade imagined by a clown. The show brings together the passion of the actor with the grace and power of the acrobat to plunge the audience into a theatrical world of fun, comedy and spontaneity situated in a mysterious space between heaven and earth. The clown pictures his own funeral taking place in a carnival atmosphere, watched over by quietly caring angels. Juxtaposing the large with the small, the ridiculous with the tragic and the magic of perfection with the charm of imperfection, the show highlights the strength and fragility of the clown, as well as his wisdom and kindness, to illustrate the portion of humanity that is within each of us. The music, by turns lyrical and playful, carries Corteo through a timeless celebration in which illusion teases reality.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Carmen – Bangkok

Thailand Cultural Centre 14 Thiam Ruam Mit Rd, Bangkok, Thailand

"Abbiamo cercato di rendere questa Carmen con un pavimento-specchio che potesse capovolgere continuamente il sopra e il sotto e permettesse di rendere più complesso ogni personaggio. La chiave di lettura di questa Carmen è insita nel mettere in luce la fragilità di ogni personaggio, per evitare che tutti diventassero o tutti vincenti o tutti perdenti. Quando ci siamo riuniti con Julie, Maria, Hugo, Geneviève, Alexis e tutto il team creativo, abbiamo cercato di trovare delle immagini, che, sovrapposte le une alle altre, potessero creare un incanto. Il linguaggio del verismo sulla scena talvolta può rendere tutto più falso. Creare uno specchio, un mondo surreale nel quale far muovere il coro e i cantanti crea immagini che possono essere più vere della realtà stessa: abbiamo cercato di scavare questa straordinaria partitura, cercando quelle sfaccettature un po’ più nascoste. Questa regia è stata anche pensata in forma pittorica, la luce è definita anche con colpi di pennello, con quattro colori dominanti: il giallo del primo atto, il bianco del secondo, il nero e il rosso. Anche con Giovanna abbiamo cercato di costruire una cromaticità, una scenografia con Hugo per far dialogare luci e costumi, dove queste pennellate di colore evidenziassero degli stati […]

Corteo – Fresno

Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave, Fresno, CA, United States

“Corteo, which means “cortege” in Italian, is a joyous procession, a festive parade imagined by a clown. The show brings together the passion of the actor with the grace and power of the acrobat to plunge the audience into a theatrical world of fun, comedy and spontaneity situated in a mysterious space between heaven and earth. The clown pictures his own funeral taking place in a carnival atmosphere, watched over by quietly caring angels. Juxtaposing the large with the small, the ridiculous with the tragic and the magic of perfection with the charm of imperfection, the show highlights the strength and fragility of the clown, as well as his wisdom and kindness, to illustrate the portion of humanity that is within each of us. The music, by turns lyrical and playful, carries Corteo through a timeless celebration in which illusion teases reality.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Corteo – West Valley City

Maverik Center 3200 Decker Lake Dr,, West Valley City, UT, United States

“Corteo, which means “cortege” in Italian, is a joyous procession, a festive parade imagined by a clown. The show brings together the passion of the actor with the grace and power of the acrobat to plunge the audience into a theatrical world of fun, comedy and spontaneity situated in a mysterious space between heaven and earth. The clown pictures his own funeral taking place in a carnival atmosphere, watched over by quietly caring angels. Juxtaposing the large with the small, the ridiculous with the tragic and the magic of perfection with the charm of imperfection, the show highlights the strength and fragility of the clown, as well as his wisdom and kindness, to illustrate the portion of humanity that is within each of us. The music, by turns lyrical and playful, carries Corteo through a timeless celebration in which illusion teases reality.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Donka – Vevey

Le Reflet Rue du Théâtre 4, Vevey, Switzerland

“Questo spettacolo propone, sempre secondo il nostro modo di raccontare, delle storie in equilibrio tra una dolce e nostalgica assurdità, un mondo surreale, ferocemente sereno. Un teatro che riflette su se stesso, dove gli attori usano il proscenio per dialogare con il pubblico, dove l’illusione e gli artifici vengono alla fine sempre svelati, dove si ride e ci si commuove, dove i clown non incarnano la stupidità, ma la fragilità degli eroi perdenti.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Corteo – Victoria

Save-on-Foods Memorial Centre 1925 Blanshard St, Victoria, Canada

“Corteo, which means “cortege” in Italian, is a joyous procession, a festive parade imagined by a clown. The show brings together the passion of the actor with the grace and power of the acrobat to plunge the audience into a theatrical world of fun, comedy and spontaneity situated in a mysterious space between heaven and earth. The clown pictures his own funeral taking place in a carnival atmosphere, watched over by quietly caring angels. Juxtaposing the large with the small, the ridiculous with the tragic and the magic of perfection with the charm of imperfection, the show highlights the strength and fragility of the clown, as well as his wisdom and kindness, to illustrate the portion of humanity that is within each of us. The music, by turns lyrical and playful, carries Corteo through a timeless celebration in which illusion teases reality.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Donka – Lugano

LAC Piazza Bernardino Luini 6, Lugano, Switzerland

“Questo spettacolo propone, sempre secondo il nostro modo di raccontare, delle storie in equilibrio tra una dolce e nostalgica assurdità, un mondo surreale, ferocemente sereno. Un teatro che riflette su se stesso, dove gli attori usano il proscenio per dialogare con il pubblico, dove l’illusione e gli artifici vengono alla fine sempre svelati, dove si ride e ci si commuove, dove i clown non incarnano la stupidità, ma la fragilità degli eroi perdenti.” Daniele Finzi Pasca
