
“Without roots. We have walked our entire lives. We will never stop. We chose a title rediscovering a word and reinventing it, because that is what we did with the entire show. This way the incoherence of clownery is totally exalted.  This way the narration is not a story but a composition of images similar to those recurring dreams that many of us carry with us into the silence of the nights. We decided to play within a theatre the nocturnal game of dreaming and narrating to one self. The incoherence of theatrical tradition has always run over the clownery theatre. The incoherence allows to hint at, to veil and unveil fragments of life that otherwise would have remained concealed.”

“We used the form of rhapsody to structure this adventure. We try to make our conscience flutter around the gesture and never be precisely where the gesture is carried out. This way this show, in addition to narrating, presents also a way to see and transform the clown theatre tradition, since ever close to the roots of the profoundly tragicomic. This show was produced on occasion of the fifteen years of the Teatro Sunil and it precisely reflects its vision of the theatre and its way of telling stories.”

Daniele Finzi Pasca and Dolores Heredia, 1998
