“At the roots of all our research that has taken us around the world over the past 39 years is the certainty that there are stories that can cure. The fear of the dark, the loss of a family member, the wounds of love produce painful sores that only certain stories can heal. This new creation will allow us to go back to the roots of our way of thinking about theater made of closeness with the public, the search for empathy, lightness and enchantment. ” – Daniele Finzi Pasca.

The numbers of an imaginary bingo will open chapters that evoke coincidences, the story of a doctor, the passion for rugby and the brutal execution of a young father. Late afternoon, early night, a wedding has just been celebrated in the cathedral and a party follows during which two families cross dialogues, stories and small anecdotes. The groom is from Argentina while the bride and her accompanying family come from afar. At the center of the scene a giant wedding cake and to personify the various characters a multifaceted and charismatic actor.

With the lightness of the wing and the toughness of lead.- L’Osservatore
Under the banner of 52, the Theatre of the Caress has returned to excite. With simplicity and sincerity.- Azione

In 2017, following a healing process, Pablo Gershanik, a long-time collaborator of the Compagnia Finzi Pasca, designs a maquette of his hometown La Plata (Argentina) by building in miniature several scenes that occur simultaneously on a crucial date, questioning himself on how art can cure a personal and collective drama by creating a process of resilience. The result obtained is of such great value that the Compagnia, together with Pablo, decides to transform this research and this experience into a theatrical performance. “52 is the number of a street that does not exist in the plan imagined by visionary urban planners. It is the reconstruction of a night where a father, doctor, rugby player is murdered by a group of hit men, it is also the description of a method that Pablo discovered in one way and that we invented with the Compagnia on the other to bring out stories that cure. We stage the contemporaneity of events, we try to tell complex themes with the lightness of a feather. ” – Daniele Finzi Pasca, April 2021

Pablo Gershanik (La Plata, Argentina, 1974)

Actor, Director, Theater Pedagogist for over twenty years he has been in the theatrical world as an actor, director, acting teacher for physical theater and clowning. He is professor of the Bachelor of Performing Arts at the University of San Martín (UNSAM) and is the founder and director of the Diploma in Performing and Interpretation with Masks at the University of San Martín (UNSAM), Argentina

52 (inspired by “80 balas sobre el ala” from Pablo Gershanik) 

Creation and Direction Daniele Finzi Pasca con Pablo Gershanik 


Daniele Finzi Pasca 
Autore, regista, designer luci

Pablo Gershanik 

Maria Bonzanigo 
Musiche e orchestrazione

Hugo Gargiulo 
Scenografo e accessori

Antonio Vergamini 
Consulente di produzione

Marzio Picchetti 
Direttore di produzione, co-designer luci

Matteo Verlicchi
Scenografo associato

Tanja Milosevic
Responsabile progetto

Estelle Bersier 
Coordinatrice Logistica

Viviana Cangialosi
fotografia, visual design, comunicazione

Nicolò Baggio
Direttore Tecnico

Pietro Maspero
Coordinatore Tecnico

Sarai Gomez
Booking internazionale

Melissa Vettore
Consulente al progetto

Pablo Gershanik

Nicolò Baggio Technical Director

Pietro Maspero Technical Coordinator

International Booking

Duration: 75 min. without intermission
Set up: 8 hours
Persons on tour: 3 max.
Genre: theatre and comedy
Public: broad public (starting from 8 years of age)

Creation partners:

Caffè Chicco d’Oro


Grand Hotel Villa Castagnola


Partner Tecnico


Una Produzione Compagnia Finzi Pasca

In co-produzione con:

Teatro dell’architettura Mendrisio – Università della Svizzera italiana 

Con il sostegno di Associazione Amici della Compagnia Finzi Pasca

With the support of: 

City of Lugano

Cantone Ticino

Pro Helvetia
