Wonderful welcome for Compagnia’s return to the Ibero-American Theater Festival – Bogotá in Colombia. Having participated also in 2012 (Donka) and 2014 (La Verita), this year it was the turn of Per te, which was shown on the South American continent for the first time. The company gave 14 performances at the Jorge Eliecer Gaitán Theater.
Press Review
“(…) a show to remember, love and celebrate life.”
La FM – 21.03.2018
“A game of gravity and lightness.”
El Espectador – 19.03.2018
“Through dance, acrobatics and clowning, Daniele and his artists tell a story of mourning, memories and love.”
Semana – 20.03.2018
“Per te: a magical spectacle that reminds and revives the people who have left us. ”
Soy Teatro – 20.03.2018
16th – 26th March I Bogotá – Colombia I Info