How to direct major shows?
The wind. The wind pushes us offering us choices. If you skipper a boat, you look for the wind and you sense where you’ll find it. A director determines his course in the same way. The smaller the boat, the more its captain must skillfully make decisions and proceed based on intuition. The larger the sailboat, the more it requires another type of strategy, sometimes even changing course. It becomes a complex maneuver requiring the effort of many people. But the wind and the solitude you experience when you are in it with the wheel in your hands, looking for where it will dance the next morning, this strange solitude is always the same. The technique changes, but the wind remains the same.
Signature Events
Through years of vast experience, Compagnia Finzi Pasca has developed an expertise in the creation and production of signature events. With an innovative approach, its creators give life to theatre and circus shows, opera staging, artistic installations as well as international large-scale events. At the heart of every production by Compagnia Finzi Pasca there is its renowned artistic signature: the lightness of the invisible gesture, the technique of the so-called “Theatre of the Caress” that conveys nostalgia and creates emotion in the single spectator.