Corteo – Pittsburgh

PPG Paints Arena 1001 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

“I dedicated this dream to the angels, who come and visit me at night. To the world of clowns, to which I belong, to the Cathedral of Chartres, which after my mother’s womb, is the second place where I was nurtured. To the pictures that my parents stole to reality, and which I put into movement, to the circuses and to their artists. What I meant to bring forth under the big top is theatre and its peculiar perspective made of overlapping images. I thus asked the acrobats to think as actors would, and to be beautiful and honest, just as beautiful love stories are. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by brilliant creators, with whom I immersed in a common world and a bonding adventure, receiving the full support of a production crew who allowed us to carry on with our dream. I also kept close to the friends from my troupe, Teatro Sunil, with whom I have been seeking beauty and honesty on stage for more than twenty years. To make one’s own funeral does feel good. For a moment, one feels necessary and motivated to keep going on this journey, which is in fact but a […]

Corteo – Evansville

The Ford Center 1 SE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Evansville, IN, United States

“I dedicated this dream to the angels, who come and visit me at night. To the world of clowns, to which I belong, to the Cathedral of Chartres, which after my mother’s womb, is the second place where I was nurtured. To the pictures that my parents stole to reality, and which I put into movement, to the circuses and to their artists. What I meant to bring forth under the big top is theatre and its peculiar perspective made of overlapping images. I thus asked the acrobats to think as actors would, and to be beautiful and honest, just as beautiful love stories are. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by brilliant creators, with whom I immersed in a common world and a bonding adventure, receiving the full support of a production crew who allowed us to carry on with our dream. I also kept close to the friends from my troupe, Teatro Sunil, with whom I have been seeking beauty and honesty on stage for more than twenty years. To make one’s own funeral does feel good. For a moment, one feels necessary and motivated to keep going on this journey, which is in fact but a […]

Corteo – Memphis

FedEx Forum 191 Beale St, Memphis, TN, United States

“I dedicated this dream to the angels, who come and visit me at night. To the world of clowns, to which I belong, to the Cathedral of Chartres, which after my mother’s womb, is the second place where I was nurtured. To the pictures that my parents stole to reality, and which I put into movement, to the circuses and to their artists. What I meant to bring forth under the big top is theatre and its peculiar perspective made of overlapping images. I thus asked the acrobats to think as actors would, and to be beautiful and honest, just as beautiful love stories are. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by brilliant creators, with whom I immersed in a common world and a bonding adventure, receiving the full support of a production crew who allowed us to carry on with our dream. I also kept close to the friends from my troupe, Teatro Sunil, with whom I have been seeking beauty and honesty on stage for more than twenty years. To make one’s own funeral does feel good. For a moment, one feels necessary and motivated to keep going on this journey, which is in fact but a […]

Icaro – Lugano

LAC Piazza Bernardino Luini 6, Lugano, Switzerland

"Icaro è stato creato rapidamente e le prove sono durate solo due mesi. Successivamente, ho continuato a perfezionarlo. E’ uno spettacolo semplice come lo erano le storie che raccontava mia nonna. Lei mi ha insegnato il segreto per fare gli gnocchi e la crostata di mele, preziose ricette che poi ho sistematicamente utilizzato nelle mie creazioni teatrali. Preparare una cena è un pretesto per incontrare delle persone." Daniele Finzi Pasca

Pagliacci – Napoli

Teatro San Carlo via San Carlo, 98/F, Naples, Italy

"Tutti siamo un po’ acrobati, e sappiamo che la vita è un continuo riassestare un punto di disequilibrio. Ho sempre cercato di trovare un linguaggio che entri in sintonia con l’anima degli ascoltatori di oggi. La storia la si racconta nella lingua e le luci del presente, disegnate da decenni di astratto, di allusioni, di immagini sempre più vicine ai sogni, in un cerchio aperto che va dai ballerini ai cantanti, dagli acrobati ai musicisti. Come dei bambini che si fanno raccontare le favole per entrare nel sogno e vincere la paura. Dell’inconscio emerge la potenza della musica di Leoncavallo, con la sua storia piccola e semplice." Daniele Finzi Pasca

Corteo – Raleigh

PNC Arena 1400 Edwards Mill Rd, Raleigh, NC, United States

“I dedicated this dream to the angels, who come and visit me at night. To the world of clowns, to which I belong, to the Cathedral of Chartres, which after my mother’s womb, is the second place where I was nurtured. To the pictures that my parents stole to reality, and which I put into movement, to the circuses and to their artists. What I meant to bring forth under the big top is theatre and its peculiar perspective made of overlapping images. I thus asked the acrobats to think as actors would, and to be beautiful and honest, just as beautiful love stories are. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by brilliant creators, with whom I immersed in a common world and a bonding adventure, receiving the full support of a production crew who allowed us to carry on with our dream. I also kept close to the friends from my troupe, Teatro Sunil, with whom I have been seeking beauty and honesty on stage for more than twenty years. To make one’s own funeral does feel good. For a moment, one feels necessary and motivated to keep going on this journey, which is in fact but a […]

Corteo – Bossier City

CenturyLink Center 2000 CenturyLink Center Drive, Bossier City, LA, United States

“I dedicated this dream to the angels, who come and visit me at night. To the world of clowns, to which I belong, to the Cathedral of Chartres, which after my mother’s womb, is the second place where I was nurtured. To the pictures that my parents stole to reality, and which I put into movement, to the circuses and to their artists. What I meant to bring forth under the big top is theatre and its peculiar perspective made of overlapping images. I thus asked the acrobats to think as actors would, and to be beautiful and honest, just as beautiful love stories are. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by brilliant creators, with whom I immersed in a common world and a bonding adventure, receiving the full support of a production crew who allowed us to carry on with our dream. I also kept close to the friends from my troupe, Teatro Sunil, with whom I have been seeking beauty and honesty on stage for more than twenty years. To make one’s own funeral does feel good. For a moment, one feels necessary and motivated to keep going on this journey, which is in fact but a […]

Donka – Cracovia

ICE Krakow Congress Centre Marii Konopnickiej 17, Kraków, Poland

"Ho deciso di scoprire Čechov andando alla ricerca di particolari, di dettagli nella sua vita, nelle pagine dei suoi scritti e non solo. Ho pensato di dare forma ai silenzi contenuti nelle note dei suoi diari e di creare immagini partendo dalle sue annotazioni. Poi ho cercato vite parallele alla sua nel giardino di casa mia, perché è il solo modo che conosco per raccontare storie, scavando sotto le rose alla ricerca di un tesoro. Vengo da un teatro impregnato profondamente dal linguaggio dei clown, dei giocolieri, dal mondo delicato e magico dell’acrobazia. Così racconterò Čechov e per farlo mi circonderò dagli stessi complici di sempre, creatori con i quali da anni collaboro e con i quali condivido non solo un’estetica e un modo di pensare il teatro, ma pure l’appassionato modo di difendere il nostro mondo immaginario." Daniele Finzi Pasca

Corteo – Cedar Park

H-E-B Center 2100 Ave of the Stars, Cedar Park, TX, United States

“I dedicated this dream to the angels, who come and visit me at night. To the world of clowns, to which I belong, to the Cathedral of Chartres, which after my mother’s womb, is the second place where I was nurtured. To the pictures that my parents stole to reality, and which I put into movement, to the circuses and to their artists. What I meant to bring forth under the big top is theatre and its peculiar perspective made of overlapping images. I thus asked the acrobats to think as actors would, and to be beautiful and honest, just as beautiful love stories are. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by brilliant creators, with whom I immersed in a common world and a bonding adventure, receiving the full support of a production crew who allowed us to carry on with our dream. I also kept close to the friends from my troupe, Teatro Sunil, with whom I have been seeking beauty and honesty on stage for more than twenty years. To make one’s own funeral does feel good. For a moment, one feels necessary and motivated to keep going on this journey, which is in fact but a […]

Donka – Modena

Teatro Storchi Largo G. Garibaldi, 15, Modena, Italy

“Ho deciso di scoprire Čechov andando alla ricerca di particolari, di dettagli nella sua vita, nelle pagine dei suoi scritti e non solo. Ho pensato di dare forma ai silenzi contenuti nelle note dei suoi diari e di creare immagini partendo dalle sue annotazioni. Poi ho cercato vite parallele alla sua nel giardino di casa mia, perché è il solo modo che conosco per raccontare storie, scavando sotto le rose alla ricerca di un tesoro. Vengo da un teatro impregnato profondamente dal linguaggio dei clown, dei giocolieri, dal mondo delicato e magico dell’acrobazia. Così racconterò Čechov e per farlo mi circonderò dagli stessi complici di sempre, creatori con i quali da anni collaboro e con i quali condivido non solo un’estetica e un modo di pensare il teatro, ma pure l’appassionato modo di difendere il nostro mondo immaginario.” Daniele Finzi Pasca

Requiem Verdi – St. Petersburg

Mariinsky Theatre Theatre Square, 1, St Petersburg, Russian Federation

"I teatri come le navi, sono luoghi costruiti per viaggiare, gli uni dentro se stessi, dentro il nostro inconscio gli altri per trasportarsi sopra i mari raggiungendo terre lontane. In questo Requiem il trapasso, il mondo del “dopo” è raccontato con leggerezza, come se si cadesse dentro ad un sogno, come se quello che succederà dopo, nonostante le paure di tutti, sarà luminoso e magico. A volte una benda davanti agli occhi ci impedisce di vedere quanto ci circonda, in questo spettacolo l’innocenza di un bambino ci prenderà per mano e ci farà sorvolare con leggerezza il mare denso ed inquieto, la tempesta emozionale che Verdi ci ha lasciato come legato. La notte del debutto di Aida, l’anno passato, a cena con maestro Gergiev Julie ha lanciato un’idea che ad un anno di distanza prende forma e vita: raccontare la Leggerezza navigando sulle acque gonfie di emozione di questa straordinaria partitura e farlo con un coro bendato e un bambino che vola attaccato a mille palloncini sulla testa dei solisti, sopra il cuore dell’orchestra, nei sogni degli spettatori." Daniele Finzi Pasca

Corteo – Portland

Moda Center 1 N Center Ct St, Portland, OR, United States

“I dedicated this dream to the angels, who come and visit me at night. To the world of clowns, to which I belong, to the Cathedral of Chartres, which after my mother’s womb, is the second place where I was nurtured. To the pictures that my parents stole to reality, and which I put into movement, to the circuses and to their artists. What I meant to bring forth under the big top is theatre and its peculiar perspective made of overlapping images. I thus asked the acrobats to think as actors would, and to be beautiful and honest, just as beautiful love stories are. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by brilliant creators, with whom I immersed in a common world and a bonding adventure, receiving the full support of a production crew who allowed us to carry on with our dream. I also kept close to the friends from my troupe, Teatro Sunil, with whom I have been seeking beauty and honesty on stage for more than twenty years. To make one’s own funeral does feel good. For a moment, one feels necessary and motivated to keep going on this journey, which is in fact but a […]
